The 'Youth Red Cross' is an extension of Junior Red Cross. YRC is a group movement for students in institutions of higher In India, this Movement first took roots in the year 1926 in the State of Punjab. In course of time, the Movement spread its branches to other parts of the country. The history of Youth Red Cross in Tamil Nadu is interesting. With the support of educational authorities and Vice - Chancellors of Universities, the Youth Red Cross has grown over the years.
Red Ribbon Club is a movement started by the Government of India in schools and colleges through which, students will spread awareness over HIV / AIDS. It envisages to instil charity mind among all the students to extend their able help towards developing healthy life styles, donating blood to all the needy by promotion of Regular voluntary blood donation.
The Motto of NSS "Not Me But You", reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service. NSS helps the students develop appreciation for other person's point of view and also show consideration to other living beings. The philosophy of the NSS is well doctrined in this motto, which underlines the belief that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of the society.
The Women’s Empowerment club works to promote equality of the genders in our community. This year we plan to raise money for the local domestic violence shelter, host virtual movie nights, and more. All are welcome! The Women’s Empowerment club works to promote equality of the genders in our community. This year we plan to raise money for the local domestic violence shelter, host virtual movie nights, and more. All are welcome! To inspire women to develop higher personal, educational and professional goals. To purpose awareness about “women's issues” in our community, for the purpose of making this community a better and safer place for all.
Rotaract believes in the motto of "Service Above Self" and is active in the communities. Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service.
The ultimate aim of Yoga is to experience the Truth, by realizing the true nature of our 'Self' and the Universe. Then one can become free from the chain of cause and effect (Karma) which brings us to earthly life again and again.
Talks, Seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions and other awareness programmes are undertaken by the club every year to spread the message of energy conservation and environment protection. The major activities of the club include seminars, intracollegiate quiz and poster making competitions on energy conservation. To create awareness among the students about the benefit of Renewable energy usage. To provide students a platform to learn about the energy industry and employment opportunities in renewable energy sector.
மாணவர்களிடத்தே தமிழ்ஆர்வத்தையும் அறிவையும் வளர்ப்பதே இத்தமிழ்மன்றத்தின் முக்கிய நோக்கமாகும். இக்கால இளைஞர்களிடத்தில் பண்டைய தமிழ் பண்பாட்டையும், கலாச்சாரத்தையும் பரவச்செய்தல். தமிழில் தொழில்நுட்ப அறிவை வளர்த்தல். தமிழ் நிகழ்ச்சிகள் சமுதாய நிகழ்வுகளுக்கேற்ப தொடர்ந்து நடைபெறுதல்.
It is a club made for people who love literature, and want to share their experiences, readings and thoughts with others who have the same interest and talent. To inculcate within its members elite oratory skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills needed for personal interviews, group discussions, etc. Creative Writing Club provides students the opportunity to gather with peers to explore, discuss, read and produce writing. Members participate in writing activities and exercises, offer tips and information about the writing process, and share their work on a voluntary basis for constructive feedback.
This organization is focused on increasing students' understanding and appreciation of nature and raising awareness about the consequences of human activity on the natural world. Students will have the opportunity to learn about bees, native plants and animals, and how our actions impact the environment. The Nature Club aims at inculcating an appreciation of nature among students and encouraging them to participate in a variety of conservation initiatives.